Chances are, in the course of administering your federal grants, you’ll end up purchasing some professional services. Then, in addition to complying with the minimum procurement standards contained in the federal government’s Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200.317-327), you’ll be expected to follow special rules that cover procurement of certain types of services. For example:
- Requirements implementing the Single Audit Act direct auditees to periodically procure audit services using solicitations with specifically identified selection criteria.
- Procurement of architect and engineering services must be conducted using “qualifications-based” selection under a statute known as the Brooks Bill.
- Terms like “design-build” and “construction manager at risk” are finding their ways into federally funded construction projects.
- The federal emphasis on improving outcomes has led to many grant awards in which performance measurement and evaluation by independent contractors is an integral part of program designs.
- The Environmental Protection Agency Inspector General has been looking closely at potential conflicts of interest where, contrary to the rules, Brownfields remediation contractors draft scopes of work and then end up winning resulting contracts.
Grant-funded procurements like these and many others are unique transactions. Getting a firm handle on how they should be structured and administered is a wise move. This webinar will help you do that, as you’ll learn about:
- Formulating sound and complete requests for proposals.
- Fashioning indefinite quantity contracts and retainer agreements that make sense.
- Generating sufficient competition from qualified contractors.
- Effectively documenting selection decisions that involve multiple selection criteria.
- Sorting out the applicable federal public policy provisions to apply to service contracts.
- Creating documentary support for the allowability of professional services costs.
Bob Lloyd, principal of Federal Fund Management Advisor™, will present this session. Bob has over 40 years of professional service experience advising federal awarding agencies, recipients and subrecipients about their procurements. He will provide you with authoritative, practical advice about the requirements and best practices.
Hand-out Materials:
Attendees will receive presentation slides as well as access to background materials.
Allowable Charges
The costs of webinars sponsored by Federal Fund Management Advisor™ are allowable charges to your federal grants and subgrants. The cost principles issued by OMB under its uniform guidance (and applicable to all types of awardees) state, “The cost of training and education for employee development is allowable” (2 CFR 200.472).
Attend this Live Webinar and Earn up to 1.8 CPE Credits