When the Office of Management and Budget launched its wide-scale federal grants reform a few years back, it heard countless complaints from nonprofit organizations about indirect cost recovery — or, more accurately, the lack of it. Some federal agencies and many pass-through entities were refusing to recognize and reimburse those legitimate costs of performing federal awards.
Many nonprofit organizations were not able to obtain a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement — a NICRA — with the federal government because they often didn’t have a direct funding relationship with a federal agency. But, even when they calculated their rate according to the right procedures, pass-through entities were refusing to accept the calculation unless it was federally approved.
OMB’s uniform guidance requires full recognition of federally negotiated rates where they exist, and mandates alternative recovery methods for those that don’t have federal rates. But, problems persist, particularly for nonprofit organizations.
These organizations need to understand how to formulate indirect cost documentation in accordance with federal procedures, and how to convince federal agencies and pass-through entities to accept the calculations. This webinar will provide you the tools to do this, as we’ll cover:
- What the federal rules say about decisions to charge costs indirectly
- What the real requirements are for federal agency indirect cost cognizance
- How federal agencies are forced to recognize federally negotiated rates
- The kinds of discretion pass-through entities still have
- Available options for nonprofit organization subrecipients to recover their indirect costs
- The procedural steps to develop and present defensible rate calculations
- How the de minimis indirect cost rate works — and the advantages and disadvantages of using it
- What federal resources are geared specifically to help nonprofit organizations recover their indirect costs
- The role an organization’s single audit plays in indirect cost recovery
Join Bob Lloyd, principal of Federal Fund Management Advisor,™ for this detailed session specifically geared to the needs of nonprofit organizations.
- Finance directors
- Accounting staff
- Grant and contract managers
- Sponsored projects administrators
- Federal program managers
- Internal auditors
- External auditors
- Federal agency grant officers
- Pass-through entity officials
Hand-out Materials:
Attendees will receive presentation slides as well as access to background materials.
Allowable Charges
The costs of webinars sponsored by Federal Fund Management Advisor™ are allowable charges to your federal grants and subgrants. The cost principles issued by OMB under its uniform guidance (and applicable to all types of awardees) state, “The cost of training and education for employee development is allowable” (2 CFR 200.472).
Attend this Live Webinar and Earn up to 2.4 CPE Credits